Books we've created for some of our clients

Welcome & Hello!

Not all books need to hit the Amazon best seller list or adorn the shelves of the most popular bookstores in order to be successful. A successful book is one that opens doors.

Zana Books does not subscribe to the department store style of publishing, focused only on volume and not the author. Think of us as a publishing boutique; our goal is to create a positive, flexible, tailor-fitted and empowering experience for each of our authors.

We provide a specialized and specific service for the authors we work with. A service that not only publishes great books with a powerful message, but works strategically with each author to properly and successfully leverage that book.

For our Entrepreneurs...

With years of sales, marketing and book publishing experience, we know that being an “expert” in your industry will add credibility to your business dealings and position you above your competition.

That having your name and business name on a professional, polished book, showcases your expertise and garners the highest perception of credibility in your industry.

We know that ‘giving your book away’ to potential clients – rather than handing them a brochure or fact sheet – dramatically increases your closing rate and leaves a greater and more positive impression upon them.

For our Speakers...

We know that one of the best ways to establish and enhance your presentation and reputation is to offer your book as a gift to your audience members.

We know that with a book credited to your name, that you automatically become an expert on your topic, that demand for your services will increase significantly, and that you can instantly market your services for $3,000-$5,000 per engagement.

We know that if you want to become a speaker you can successfully launch your career with a book.

If you are a seasoned speaker – we know that launching a book will take your business to the next level and help you re-connect with existing and past clients for more business.

For anyone with a great story and powerful message...

We know that success and an amazing sense of fulfilment will follow when you share your story, journey, life-changing experiences and knowledge in book form.

If it is chronicling your life, sharing your passion for a hobby or sport, or sharing recipes passed down through generations, we know that a book is the perfect way to preserve your history and ideas.

We know all of these things from experience and have helped others create their own levels of success with this knowledge.

Do you have an inspirational message to share?

Maybe it is instructions to explain, or a personal story that needs to be told?

Many have the desire to share and communicate their hard-earned knowledge in book form, but do not have the time or expertise to see it through. They do not know where to start, what to write, who to turn to for help, or how to get published.

Whether you are sitting on an idea or already have a manuscript ready for editing – we can partner with you to create and publish your book, and match your personal and professional success to the life of your dreams.

Image showing magic coming from a business book

Creating Your Book


It is simple – and not the least bit scary!

We do the writing – so you don’t have to – and you take the credit. That is how easy it is to become a credited author and how most big name authors publish their books.

Whether it is your intention to educate or entertain, our writers strive to capture the true essence of your message and write your book in your voice and breathe your personality into each page.


Proper editing is one of the most critical elements of book publishing. Whatever your message, you need to be sure you put your best foot forward when you release your book to the world. You simply cannot afford lifeless content or grammatical errors.

Even one misspelled word, misused phrase or awkward sentence can quickly turn readers off. Inaccuracies and confusion can, and are often interpreted as, indifference or incompetence on your part; leaving your reputation to suffer.

Our writers and editors will meticulously go over each word, sentence and paragraph to ensure your book is clean, keeping your message and reputation intact.

Book Cover Design

Contrary to the old adage, most people DO judge a book by its cover. In fact, it is the cover that sells the book.

Whether it is a book you are currently working on or you are partnering with us to complete your masterpiece, we can help you design the perfect cover for it.

Book Formatting

When you partner with Zana Books, rest assured your book will be formatted professionally with an appealing layout. All formatting is kept in line with our highest standards, further ensuring your credibility.

If you have a book already written and need to have it formatted – we can do that as well.

Registering Your Book

There are several behind-the-scenes activities to consider when registering your book.

Obtaining an ISBN (International Standard Book Number), bar code, copyright, and getting registered with book stores across North America; we take care of all of it for you.

Printing Your Book

Once your book is complete, we hand it all over to you and you decide if you would rather get it printed on your own, or take advantage of our bulk rates and let us do it for you.

Marketing Your Book


Book marketing strategies are limitless. Based on the purpose of your book, we can help you design and implement your specific launch strategy.

Our experts are here to provide guidance and help you implement a successful book launch. We will build your strategies with you and help you put them into action, step by step.

Once you are a credited author, it is time to celebrate! All Zana Books authors are given the opportunity to have their book included in one of our, exclusive gala book launches.


You start the ball rolling. If you are truly committed to publishing your book then contact us and we will have one of our experts connect with you to:

  1. Determine your needs
  2. Set up a customized action plan that fits your needs and situation

During our conversations, we will discuss your level of involvement, where you want to invest your time, and what aspects of the process you want to be a part of.

Each partnership is unique. From creating your message, writing the content, printing and marketing your book, to any or all of the steps in between, we will work with you.

Or, if you are a ‘do-it-yourselfer’ and just need some guidance, direction and coaching on your book project, we can be a valuable resource to you, walk you through the process, and advise you along the way.

Our books are not cookie-cutter productions or template driven; they are as unique as you are. We pride ourselves on forging successful partnerships and a finished product that we can all be proud of.

Ready To Create Your OWN Book?
Call Us Now at 250-575-0333 or email